Refund Policy
When we take on a client in our Quick-Start Intensive, my team and I show up 110% for you in service of your goal. We have designed one of the most effective and leading-edge intensives for business development available IMHO.
And we ask the same of you – be willing to show up 110% in service of your goal. Be willing to do the work. Be willing to expand your learning edge and comfort zone to create the business that you envision.
Because of this commitment, we have a ‘no refunds’ policy. We request that you register with all of your enthusiasm, passion and commitment, and stay the course. We will support you with all of our enthusiasm, passion and strategy through any quitting zones (yes, those happen to the best of us) that you encounter.
If you don't make back your financial investment you can join the next group at no charge. This gives you six months of support, should you need it. This offer is only available to those who Pay In Full and have done the minimum weekly requirement for marketing and tracking.
And if an unforeseen circumstance occurs, reach out and we will find a mutually agreeable solution. We are committed to showing up completely for your success.
© Karen Cappello LLC | [email protected]