Do you aspire to attain six-figure revenue years?

In just 12 Weeks, you can position your coaching business

To accelerate these results

And achieve your BIGGEST quarter ever!

The 12 Week Quick-Start Formula

For Executive & Business Coaches who Want to Create Winning Contracts with Ease & Joy

By Karen Cappello, MCC

Get The E-Book

This e-book can help you build a highly successful coaching business!

If you're a dedicated Executive or Business Coach who wants to finally move past the overwhelm of marketing your business - this e-book was made for YOU. 

The 12 Week Quick-Start Formula was designed by me, Karen Cappello, Master Certified Coach, to give you a proven framework backed by 40+ years of business and coaching expertise. I've helped so many other coaches build a highly profitable business - using these EXACT strategies. 

In just 12 Weeks you can:

✔️ Find the Confidence to become a brilliant lighthouse for your ideal clients

✔️ Put your offers into Context to make them irresistible to the right people

✔️ Have winning Conversations to land big-ticket contracts with ease

✔️ Create a Consistency in your coaching income to fund the lifestyle you want

Get started on doubling, tripling, and perhaps even 10'xing your income in the next quarter...With ease and joy!

Get The E-Book Today
Claire Venetsanakou, ACC

"This book featured integrative content to think, reflect, and apply. Not to mention the beautiful energy that Karen creates as you read it"

Rachel Schaming, PPC

"These insights gave me the clarity, confidence, and focus to move forward with the second chapter in my life."

This 12 Week Quick-Start Formula e-book is available for a one-time investment of $27.

Is it worth it?

The Formula has helped Business and Executive Coaches reach five-figure months and six-figure years!

If you’ve been in your coaching business for one to five years, and you are:

  • Spending too much time marketing your business with sporadic results
  • Spending the majority of your time searching for clients
  • Writing long proposals that don't get accepted
  • Following up over and over again with potential clients who are too busy to meet with you

This book is for you!

Right now, you're probably leaving money on the table. Use the 12 Week Formula to find your coaching confidence, create irresistible offers, and accelerate your coaching revenue - faster than you ever have before.

Get the E-Book Right Now
Mohamed Sharaf Eldin, PCC

"Definitely a must-read book for business coaches! If you are starting your business as a coach and would like to get real clients, READ THIS BOOK."

Julianne Phillips, ACC

"My experience was FANTASTIC! I loved the laser-focused insights shared in the book. The 12 Week Formula gave me great tips and insights to nail my niche."

Vivian Theodoropoulou ACC

"The 12 Week Formula has helped me INCREASE my confidence and has unlocked REVENUE opportunities for me."

Hi, I’m Karen Cappello, MCC.

It's wonderful to meet you! 

I’m Karen Cappello and I’m a Master Certified Coach. I come from a very successful background in the corporate world. And even though I was thrilled with my success, I was working 60-70 hours every week and I was exhausted. I knew the way I was working was not sustainable. 

My biggest fear when I came into coaching was that I would recreate all the stress of that job, as that was the way I knew to be financially successful. I wanted to achieve excellence and success, and serve my clients well, without getting overwhelmed or overdelivering. 

Do you have a tendency to over-deliver? 

Then I’m happy to tell you that I found a way to have success with a lot more ease and joy than I ever thought possible! 

I’m here to share what I’ve learned to help you to create a sustainable AND successful business, utilizing your own experience, expertise, gifts, talents, and intuition, while attending to your own self-care and joy. 

The 12 Week Quick-Start Formula is my gift to you! 

I can help you minimize overwhelm and effort, and maximize income and impact. 

You have an important mission ahead. I’m honored to be your silent partner in business, here to outline your path, support you, and bring to life your full potential! 

Love and great joy, 

Karen A. Cappello
Tucson, Arizona

© Karen Cappello LLC | [email protected]