Success Stories – Rossella Pin, MCC
The Client
Rossella Pin, MCC
Executive Leadership Coach and Founding Partner, MentorLab Group
The Challenge
What challenge did the client want Karen to address?
Rossella was already a successful coach, and she was asking herself, “How far can I go?” While her first goal was to reach the amount of money she gained from her corporate work, once she did that in the first QSI, she wanted to know how much further she could go.
She also wanted more confidence to challenge herself in working with higher level clients and engagements.
Why did the client have this challenge?

Rossella came from a corporate environment, where she achieved a high level of success, measured by the company’s dimensions of growth. Once she got into her own business, there were no targets, assessments or performance evaluations. She wanted to re-create these measures of success in her own business.
In addition, Rossella had reached her zone of comfort. Once she attained her financial goal of what she needed for living, she was looking for something else to draw her forward, a new challenge. She’s also very competitive and thrives in a group where there is a friendly competition, and before QSI, she was working by herself as a professional.
As she says, “Success can be good, but it can also be a trap where you don’t innovate or challenge yourself anymore. I didn’t want to be like that.”
Why did this client engage Karen to help?
They had worked together before, so Rossella knew that she would be challenged to go past her fears and gain the confidence to see possibilities and trust herself more to make the jumps she wanted to make.
In Rossella’s words, “I knew that Karen cared about me and she was asking herself the same questions that I was asking myself, about how far she can go. Karen was committed to her own growth, and she had gotten to the answer a bit earlier than I had. And there is also something magic that happened between us. There’s a magic energy when we’re working together.”
The Solution
What was the solution?
Rossella worked with Karen in the Quick-Start Intensive group for 3 months to accelerate her business results. She then joined two more QSI groups to find out how far she could go.
In each of the groups, she progressed farther than she had projected very quickly and had to increase her target goal. What Rossella found was that many of the activities in the first group created a ripple effect for the second group and so on.
“People just reached out to me. The last 5 VIP clients came from people I didn’t know directly, but they had heard about my work from others. So, every time I reached my target, I added activities to take me to the next level. I used the reporting to introduce new activities and create exponential growth,” Rossella says.
What was the timeline?
This coaching engagement took three 3-month groups to achieve the results stated.
The Results
How did Karen’s solution solve the client’s challenge?
Rossella started with a list of activities that she did each week, a reporting mechanism and a friendly group competition to reach her financial goals. She was challenged to find a way to achieve exponential growth using less time and energy each time she participated in a group.
She gained the confidence to approach higher level clients, and immediately was chosen to work with the CEO of a multi-national company. In addition, she has worked with other prominent international organizations through her company, MentorLab Group.
What benefits did this client immediately see because of his work with Karen?
In each QSI, Rossella was able to double her target, up to gaining business engagements for $120,000 in one quarter!
And in addition to these financial benefits, she’s built her dream country home in the mountains, just 2 hours away from her home in northern Italy.
What benefits should this client see over time because of her work with Karen?
Rossella now has a system and as she states, “Before QSI, I didn’t have a way of tracking. Now I have a big spreadsheet and I track everything. I do my own performance evaluations on a quarterly basis.”
More confidence, more tracking and amazing results are the hallmark of the coaching and mentoring business Rossella runs. She helps high-performance leaders all over the globe to thrive in new environments and succeed at new ventures, and she does with her own brand of magic!
© Karen Cappello LLC | [email protected]