Success Stories – Lisa Pérez, ACC
The Client
Lisa Pérez, M.A., ACC, NBC-HWC
CEO and Executive Leadership Coach at Vital Transformations
The Challenge
What challenge did the client want Karen to address?
Backed by an impressive career in corporate, Lisa Pérez decided to transfer her talents and experience to start a transformational leadership and well-being coaching business. She needed a concrete structure and plan to grow her business with confidence, or as Lisa herself likes to put it, “Learning the business of the business.”
Being too personally mired in the day-to-day of her business, Lisa was looking for an external, unbiased, and actionable way to challenge herself to move beyond tending to the day-to-day tasks of her business, and explore creative growth opportunities outside of the box

Why did the client have this challenge?
Coming from a highly structured corporate environment, Lisa found herself overwhelmed with having to manage all aspects of her business herself - her growth targets, ROI, marketing, operations, and more.
Like most executive coaches, she found that there weren't enough hours in the day to tend to growing her business while simultaneously running her business. The former became an afterthought.
The Quick-Start Intensive program with Karen provided Lisa with the structure and tools to zero in on her passion and what she naturally excelled at and nurture those strengths to accelerate results for her coaching business.
Why did this client engage Karen to help?
Lisa met Karen at a business conference with one of her top protégés, whose reputation preceded them in the coaching community. Impressed with Karen’s body of work, her results-oriented mindset, and her foresight and experience, Lisa partnered with Karen, and was put at ease with the compatibility between them.
With so many questions on her mind leading up to the meeting; “How do I keep working my business?”, “How do I find that space to think about growing my business?” Lisa found Karen to be, “the partner you want to have in your back pocket.”
The Solution
What was the solution?
Lisa worked with Karen for 12 weeks in the Quick-Start Intensive program to manifest her success and visualize opportunities outside of what she had initially thought possible.
She learned how to solidify a coaching mindset for success, i.e., there’s always a solution out there, you just have to look for it. With a plethora of ideas sitting at all stages of the pipeline, QSI gave Lisa the environment, headspace, strategies, and tools required to put them all together.
What was the timeline?
Lisa’s coaching engagement took 4 months to achieve the stated results.
The Results
How did Karen’s solution solve the client’s challenge
QSI was able to expand Lisa’s ability to think outside the box. Through 1:1 video coaching sessions with Karen, accessing reading material and videos at the most opportune time in her learning journey, and using interactive modes of learning like online group chats and group programs with like-minded passionate coaches, Lisa found a synergy within her own headspace. This empowered her to get creative and generate her desired revenue figures within the scope of what she already had.
What benefits did this client immediately see because of her work with Karen?
Lisa was able to achieve a 75% increase in her coaching revenue in just 4 months. For Lisa, this opportunity to expand from where she was already at was transformational. She was able to quickly attract a few large clients, obviating the need to go looking for multiple smaller accounts. Lisa learned how to move from a reactive ‘adapt and adjust’ mindset to a very creative and innovative space.
Lisa continues to use the skills procured from the QSI program to build on that vision and take her business to the next level. In her own words, Lisa describes the program as, “a great process with really good, solid accountability."
What benefits should this client see over time because of her work with Karen?
With her initial 75% increase in revenue in 4 months at QSI, Lisa plans to stay on track with her projected revenue growth.
As a solopreneur, Lisa admits that the process can be difficult to navigate without accountability, external clarity, and the added benefit of working alongside other highly driven growth-oriented coaches.
She now views Karen as part of her C-suite team to help continue to grow her Executive Coaching business using Karen’s trusted, proven processes.
Lisa Pérez was able to unlock a fresh perspective, visualize and manifest her coaching business success, and achieve phenomenal revenue results. At Vital Transformations, Lisa continues to help C-level executives on their journey toward self-leadership mastery to transform their work-life well-being.
© Karen Cappello LLC | [email protected]