Success Stories – Saralyn Hodgkin, PCC
The Client
Saralyn Hodgkin, PCC
Leadership & Executive Coach
Holon Leadership
The Challenge
What challenge did the client want Karen to address?
Saralyn had so many options for potential services, she was struggling with clarity before she attended the Quick Start Intensive. It was hard to know the right direction forward – specifically with her offerings.

Why did the client have this challenge?
Saralyn’s ideas continued to grow. She knew her energy was limited, and she wasn’t sure where to focus it. She was foggy and unsure about the path forward. Saralyn wasn’t sure when to invest in developing a new program or when she should continue developing existing offerings. She needed help moving forward on a plan with confidence.
Why did this client engage Karen to help?
Along the way, Saralyn started following Karen on social media. In the fall of 2022, she participated in the Quarterly Business Boost and really appreciated the approach of the program. What resonated most was that Karen’s QQB mix focusing on the business foundations alongside a desire to create an impact, and with the humanity and relational aspect of owning a coaching business. The Power of One was also intriguing to Saralyn. When she heard about QSI, she thought a group program offering Karen’s brilliant approach coupled with accountability sounded worthwhile.
The Solution
What was the solution?
First, QSI helped recalibrate Saralyn’s approach to her business – like getting clear on exploring what program offer aligns most with her ideal client. It helped her get greater clarity. Before attending QSI, Saralyn didn’t know she needed or wanted a level of accountability around her business activities. Yet, that was part of the solution she found in the program. QSI also brought greater prowess around her business.
One of the solutions Saralyn wasn’t expecting to find in QSI is having clarity on business strategy questions and being confident to take the time to answer those questions. After completing the QSI program, Saralyn plans to spend 2023 continuing to intentionally hone in on her ideal client and figuring out what scaling her business looks like.
What was the timeline?
Saralyn started QSI from January to March 2023. During the program, her revenue goal was to meet her previous quarter’s revenue. She wasn’t surprised when she met her goal, and in addition, she had a financial shift as a result of the program. For Saralyn, the big shift was putting her financial goals down, showing them to peers in the QBB community, and being accountable for those goals.
What Saralyn learned through the QSI tools was an increased social media presence and brand building. As an executive coach, Saralyn learned showing up in the right online spaces and communicating well about different issues shows her audience who she is, ultimately building trust and awareness of her authentic self. QSI motivated her to show up in the spaces that are required to build her presence and her brand.
The Results
How did Karen’s solution solve the client’s challenge?
Saralyn realized it will take more time to gain the exact clarity she was looking for, and QSI helped her with tools, insight, an accountability system, and confidence to continue moving toward a resolution.
What benefits did this client immediately see because of her work with Karen?
Right away, QSI gave Saralyn accountability which helped motivate her. The tools of the program helped her find clarity on where to spend her time and energy, as well as why focusing on those areas are important. She also experienced the benefit of the QSI community. The group's energetic flow and weekly actions helped keep the program top of mind – creating consistency and confidence.
What benefits should this client see over time because of her work with Karen?
The QSI playbook and other accountability tools created a huge toolbox for Saralyn to continue leveraging. Another long-term benefit is the relationships Saralyn created with Connie and other coaches, who are focusing on the same actions as they move forward. Saralyn knows there will be a ripple effect over time that will benefit her business because she showed up for QSI the first quarter of 2023.
Saralyn Hodgkin continues to coach leaders by bringing humanity into the workplace, through deep personal and team development work to reveal the bigger picture of her client’s systems.
© Karen Cappello LLC | [email protected]