Success Stories – Beth Wilkinson, PCC
The Client
Beth Wilkinson, PCC
Professional Certified Coach with a specialization in Leadership Development at Wilkinson Coaching
The Challenge
What challenge did the client want QSI to address?
Beth Wilkinson transitioned from a successful career in the corporate world, where she excelled as a senior leader in leadership development. Despite her extensive experience and strong network, Beth faced significant challenges in knowing where to start when it came to marketing herself and expanding her business outside the corporate environment.

Why did the client have this challenge?
Beth Wilkinson faced this challenge due to her background in a corporate career, where her biggest stakeholders were executive leaders with whom she had strong, established relationships. In the corporate world, she could more easily leverage these existing relationships to move initiatives forward.
Why did this client engage QSI to help?
Beth became curious about QSI after a trusted colleague from her coach training program recommended it to her. This colleague, with whom Beth had formed a deeper connection, shared her positive experience with the program, specifically highlighting Karen's approach. When Beth reviewed Karen's content, she found it to be highly relationship-based, which resonated with her own authentic style of relating to clients. This alignment in values and approach ultimately led Beth to choose QSI for support.
The Solution
What was the solution?
Through QSI, Beth was given a structured marketing system that guided her on the specific activities she needed to focus on to grow her business. This system was instrumental in helping her move the needle, as she had reached a plateau where she had clients, but wasn't achieving the scale she desired. By following this system, Beth was able to double down on her efforts, increasing the overall number of clients she engaged with and providing a clear system to continue to create that outcome.
What was the timeline?
Beth’s coaching engagement in her first QSI session took 3 months to achieve the stated results.
The Results
How did Karen’s solution solve the client’s challenge?
The immediate benefits Beth Wilkinson experienced from working with QSI included a significant increase in client engagement and a clear sense of direction for her business. The structured system provided by QSI enabled her to identify and focus on the key activities that would drive growth. As a result, Beth quickly saw an uptick in the number of clients she was able to connect with, helping her to scale her business in a repeatable and predictable way.
What benefits did this client immediately see because of his work with QSI?
Some immediate benefits Beth experienced as a result of QSI included an increase in meaningful conversations with potential clients and a better understanding of the phrases that resonated with them. She also became more focused on identifying the clients she truly wanted to work with, which allowed her to eliminate some of the noise around who she “should” be connecting with.
Beth also notes that one of the most valuable aspects for her was the opportunity to experiment within a supportive community. This environment allowed Beth to try new approaches, such as conducting leadership interviews on LinkedIn Live, which opened up new doors for her business.
Overall, QSI helped Beth to streamline her outreach efforts, enhance her client interactions, and achieve the business growth she was seeking.
What benefits should this client see over time because of her work with QSI?
Beth looks forward to continued involvement with the QSI program, as each round gives her the opportunity to experiment, learn, and grow within a deeply supportive community.
She emphasizes that the QSI community is invaluable, not only for the practical strategies it provides, but also for the crucial mindset support it offers. Beth notes, "It's incredibly valuable to know you're not in it alone," highlighting the importance of having a supportive network to share in the journey of growing one’s business.
© Karen Cappello LLC | [email protected]