Success Stories – Chris Taylor
The Client
Chris Taylor
Director and Founder, The Leadership Movement
The Challenge
What challenge did the client want Karen to address?
Chris is the first to admit that she finds relationship building not only enjoyable but relatively easy, but actually consistently onboarding clients was a bit more challenging. Chris had been in the coaching business for years but knew that consistent marketing was where she was falling flat. She wanted to be more consistent and confident in client acquisition for her business.

Why did the client have this challenge?
Chris realized what she lacked was a marketing plan that worked for coaching and that didn’t feel salesy to her. Her strength was in coaching, but she didn’t have a process in place to consistently acquire clients for her business.
Why did this client engage Karen to help?
After meeting Karen, Chris knew that Karen was the one who would not only help her with a marketing strategy for her business but provide her with the confidence to execute on this strategy. “I went, yes, this is really what I want. This is what I need at this particular time.”
The fact that Karen was a coach herself rather than a marketing person was important to Chris. She felt like Karen would understand what her business was without having to explain it to her. She also liked the fact that Karen talked about having her own “Karen.”
The Solution
What was the solution?
Chris joined the QSI program with a cohort of other business and executive coaches.
The course helped Chris clarify what she needed to focus on in her business and her marketing and how she could track that.
“It wasn't that different from what I was doing, but it was clearer, more structured and tracked what I was doing. It gave me confidence in my marketing. And for that twelve weeks I certainly overachieved on my financials. It was fantastic,” Chris says.
What was the timeline?
During the three month program, Chris saw her income increase 308% over her initial goal.
The Results
How did Karen’s solution solve the client’s challenge?
A working methodology that was easy to follow and provided clarity in how to market was the key for Chris. “It's quite simple really, and that's the beauty of it. Coaches can find marketing challenging – they would rather coach - but Karen made that all simple. Karen provided me with a process that was easy for me to follow and gave me the confidence to know what I needed to do,” Chris shares.
She also attributes the many resources provided in QSI as well as having a group to bounce ideas off of as benefits that led to success in the program.
What benefits did this client immediately see because of her work with Karen?
Within three months of working with Karen, Chris saw a 308% increase in revenue.
The other benefits Chris experienced were clarity, connection, and confidence.
“I think it's a level of self-confidence that this was possible, that this works - clarity on how you can achieve your goals. It's having a formula and the support behind which you gives you confidence knowing you are building your business with consistent results,” Chris explains.
What benefits should this client see over time because of her work with Karen?
Being able to implement a formula and a methodology and just seeing it work is the takeaway Chris shared about the program. She now knows what she needs, shutting out the noise from social media and constant email selling and focus on what will actually bring her business results.
© Karen Cappello LLC | [email protected]