Success Stories – Moon Li, ACC
The Client
Moon Li, ACC
Certified Mental Fitness Coach
Lunar Coaching
The Challenge
What challenge did the client want Karen to address?
Before attending the Quick Start Intensive, Moon did not realize she had a limiting belief about money. Although she has the certification, experience, and skillset to be an effective coach, she struggled with charging properly for her services. Moon needed help with her money mindset.
Why did the client have this challenge?

Moon has an extensive executive sales background, and has no problem selling other people’s products. But when it came to herself – offering her coaching services – she hesitated.
This aversion was due to a combination of her upbringing, cultural norms, and confusion about what to charge her clients. She admits that prior to QSI, she was discounting herself instead of charging what her experience, skills, training, and credentials were worth. Because of that, she wasn't attracting the right clients who were actually serious about taking the leap to grow and change.
Why did this client engage Karen to help?
Moon first came across Karen through the ICF business development program. She attended the training with a coaching colleague. Over the next several months, Moon and her comrade continued monthly networking meetings, where he raved about his participation in Karen’s QSI coaching engagement.
Eventually, Moon had a conversation with Karen. Moon was also impressed with Karen’s confidence and calming energy. The combination of trusting her colleague’s experience in QSI as well as the great impression she had of Karen convinced Moon that QSI was a good investment.
The Solution
What was the solution?
According to Moon, there was no “magic” solution. Instead, QSI offered the practical solution of group coaching, learning to believe in her worth, getting confidence to speak up, and accountability to put into practice the QSI strategies. During her QSI engagement, Moon realized she had a limiting belief about money. The support she received from Karen and the other coaches made it possible for her to shift her money mindset. Moon is now charging a competitive rate and attracting the right clients – people who are serious about investing in themselves.
What was the timeline?
Over the course of six months, Moon completed two QSI coaching engagements. During QSI and following through the remainder of the year, her annual income has increased 6 times over the previous year.
She is confident this year will be another year of revenue growth.
The Results
How did Karen’s solution solve the client’s challenge?
Moon’s limiting beliefs about money were resolved through a shift in her mindset, not just with her service prices, but also with her confidence in marketing and networking. Activity, practice, and results flowed – further supporting her mindset shifts.
As a QSI participant, she was actively engaged with a cohort of inspiring coaches. Moon was inspired to do more of her own work and to have confidence in her sales and marketing efforts.
What benefits did this client immediately see because of his work with Karen?
Moon says that QSI provided a shift in her energy – opportunities flowed with ease. Because she was more willing to speak up, she noticed opportunities arising without having to fight for them.
Her activity increased, leading to increased confidence and, ultimately, business growth.
What benefits should this client see over time because of her work with Karen?
Because of QSI, Moon has had a profound change in her money mindset.
Moon says, “[QSI] definitely made me more comfortable in talking about money and how much I charge.”
Her business activity has increased, including delivering webinars, seminars, speaking, proactively reaching out to people, and sending offers to prospects. Her annual income should increase year after year because of the investment she has made in shifting her mindset.
Moon Li continues to help high-achieving sales teams strengthen their Mental Fitness, cultivating motivation and self-agency in pursuit of personal and career achievement.
© Karen Cappello LLC | [email protected]